Craig Thomas

The end of an Era…just like that!


Spoilers Alert!


I have no idea what happened. And why. The mother died? After all this time? Are they stupid?
The answer is, No.

Remember how we always wanted Ted and Robin to be together? Well, we got it.  Should we still be upset over the death of the mother of Ted’s children?

When we met Tracy, we liked her, loved her, adored her. She was perfect for Ted wasn’t she? The quirky weirdness they both shared made them perfect for each other. But she died. It was a huge bummer. I got angry, real angry. But then I thought, well if they wanted to just tell the story of how Ted mother the mother, they could’ve shown the last three seasons without all the Ted-Robin-Barney triangle. Why create nine episodes?

Sydney Morning Herald articles says,

Interestingly, Bays and Thomas filmed the episode back in 2005 to ensure Ted’s on-screen children, who were shown in the first scene of every episode, didn’t age on screen.

“We shot this last little section nine years ago. It was so long ago, I don’t really remember what I said,” the now 27-year-old actress Lyndsy Fonseca, who played the bored looking daughter, told People magazine.

Creators Bays and Thomas say they knew the plot for the final episode when the series premiered nine years ago. (CLICK ON THE LINK FOR THE FULL ARTICLE)

These guys knew what they were doing. The point of the series was not to show how Ted met his mother. Does that even matter? I mean, Goddamn! These 9 seasons were fucking awesome! Shouldn’t we be happy about the experiences we had rather than fussing over the end which is nothing compared to the journey Carter Bays and Craig Thomas put us through?

It was honest, brutal and realistic which is why How I Met Your Mother (And not How I banged your Aunt Robin and met you mother and then she dies and then ended up with Aunt Robin) is
