
Lessons Taught by Television Shows

This is what I learned from some the shows that I’ve watched (some fully, some partially, whatever.)


The Simpsons

Madness. Sheer Madness. Matt Groening is a comical genius! This show shows us how important it is to be yourself no matter how different or weird or wacky you might be. Also, it is important to be mad, crazy and absolutely idiotic.




Now, since I am not of that era, I can’t really tell you a lot about it. But here goes.

The name itself tell you what it’s about. FRIENDS was a show that was somewhat like a revolution. It made us fell all warm and mushy inside. This show taught us how important friendship is in our lives and no matter how shitty or complicated (a word that nowadays is used like nuts!) our lives might be, we need to have friends, honest friends, so that we never feel left out or have to deal with adversities (ones that we can’t tell our parents) alone.


How I Met Your Mother

Alright, you hated the ending. I however, didn’t! Find my short review of the grand series finale here.

This was a show right on the lines of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. A group of friends dealing with life together and being awesome. (Re: Barney) Yes, this show did teach us how to be awesome, how to pick up girls in New York, how to get the woman of your dreams, how important it is to love your friends no matter how fucked up your life is. Trust and love is too important to give any importance to all the shit you face.

Also, be legendary.


Lie To Me

If someone shrugs their shoulders, or blinks rapidly or purses their lips while talking to you, they’re lying.



This is a show which displays the hypocrisy of the society. (What?)

Let me explain.

We all have a dark passenger inside of us that we either don’t show or even know about it. A lot of people show this dark side but our society is so blind that these people aren’t even noticed. The society itself creates the darkness and they themselves condemn it.

Blood is awesome.




It doesn’t really teach us stuff except for a few minor things.

If you’re an annoying and a genius, then it is alright. Just think that other aren’t as smart as you and laugh at their stupidity inside your mind.

And another thing it teaches us is that…

Benedict Cumberbatch is awesome and why the HELL is it taking two years for them to release the next season and I am very angry at them and I don’t know what to do with my life till then!


Game of Thrones

Teaches us three things:

One – If someone messes with your family or love or friend or you’re a mad person, cut their head off.

Two – Politics

Three – Westeros would have been a much better place than Earth.



Female Cops can be hot. Enough said.